G’day Functional 45 Training Owner!
Sports & Fitness Insurance Corporation specializes in insurance for small fitness studios and is excited to support F45 owners in their first year of business with the very best rates available.
Here’s How to Apply
For General Liability coverage, download and complete the appropriate application for your franchise.
Important: Leave the filled-in sections as they are and fill in the blank sections that are specific to your studio.
New F45 Franchises
Welcome to the F45 Family! We wish you all the best with your new business.
Please print and complete the F45 New Franchise Application Form, and email to Tiffany Davis or fax to 601-707-1037.
Our underwriters will review your application and will respond as soon as possible.
Established F45 Franchises
Please print and complete application form for F45 Established Franchises and email to Tiffany Davis or fax to 601-707-1037.
Our underwriters will review your application and will respond as soon as possible.
Got a question? Email Tiffany or call her at 800-844-0536 Ext. 2252.
How Confident Are You That Your Business is Protected in all Situations?
SFIC offers much more than General Liability coverage. We also offer Property Insurance, Workers Compensation, Surety Bonds and more. Check out our key coverages—all tailored specifically to the fitness industry.
F45 Training Workers Compensation
Many states require Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ Compensation insurance pays medical expenses, lost wages, and death benefits to employees who are injured or become ill because of work.
SFIC has multiple markets for workers compensation insurance. To apply, print and complete the F45 Workers Comp Application Form and email to our submissions department along with at least 3 years of loss runs if applicable.
Fitness Professionals Get Covered in Less Than 5 Minutes!
Not a studio owner or franchisee? No worries!
SFIC also provides excellent liability insurance for fitness instructors and personal trainers!
Complete the online fitness professional application in less than 5-minutes and receive immediate proof of insurance via email.